Nursing covers are a practical way to feel a little more secure while nursing your little one. There are several brands that make nursing covers and it can be a little overwhelming deciding which one is best. So here are some practical ways to figure out which nursing cover is best for you and your breastfeeding journey.
The covers I have linked I have personally used, they are not the most affordable, but I received them as gifts or got them secondhand. Most covers are made of similar materials and function the same.
Choosing a Style
There are two main styles of nursing covers. Wrap (also called multi-use or all-in-one) and Apron style. I have used both and do like both.
I prefer my wrap one for church and if I am running errands. The apron style works nicely at the beach or at home when I want more airflow and don’t need as much full-proof coverage. Though I have both covers I do use my “hack” more than anything which I will share below.
Some sites like this one, will tell you there are several types of nursing covers but they all basically fall under the category of a wrap or apron style. Excluding the ones that are just clothes which in my opinion is not a nursing cover at all, it’s just clothes used to cover your nursing infant.
The Wrap Style (All in One) Multi-Use Nursing Cover
The wrap style also called a multi-use cover is one big piece of fabric with a small hole on top for your head and a big hole on bottom for your body sort of like a cone shape. The benefits of choosing a wrap nursing cover include:
- full coverage
- multipurpose
- keeps baby warm
- easy to adjust latch/baby
- one hand free
- stretchable
- protects baby from sun
- keeps people from touching your baby while in the carseat
The wrap style does have some cons which include:
- gets very warm for mom and baby in hotter climates
- has to go over your head (can be difficult with hats)
- brings lots of attention to yourself
- bulkier, takes up more space than other covers
Wrap style is super cozy and comfortable some of the wrap styles can double as a scarf. The wrap style is ideal for cold and windy weather, back coverage, and someone who wants to get multiple uses out of their cover such as a carseat cover.
It works really well for nursing in public places as there is no opportunity for the wind to blow it up and you can easily stand and nurse in it. Wrap styles can vary in price but average at around $20 which isn’t too bad if you plan to use it all the time.
The Apron Style Nursing Cover
The apron style is usually a piece of rectangle fabric with a strap attached to it that goes around your neck basically the top of an apron. The benefits of choosing an apron style include:
- breathability
- lightweight
- ease of putting on and off
- not restrictive
The cons of an apron style nursing cover are:
- wind can blow the cover up depending on the weight of the cover
- no back coverage
- it’s easy for baby to lift this cover up
- not as warm as most wrap styles
- only one use
The apron style is a great choice for those who are in very warm climates. It is also a great choice for moms who want something a little more inconspicuous.
Apron nursing covers are really nice to have around the house if you like to quickly cover while company is over or in front of family members. Similar to the wrap style in price these covers cost around $20 as well.
Patterns or Solids
There are so many different types of nursing covers that come in numerous patterns and colors.
If you want barely want anyone to notice you are nursing I recommend getting a neutral color in a solid.
Planning to hopefully get pregnant again? You might consider a more gender neutral pattern or color.
Patterns are sweet if you include the cover as a blanket in a photo op. Having a patterned cover can also help you to spot it in your laundry, diaper bag, and keep better track of it.
When choosing a nursing cover go with colors you like to wear yourself or are naturally drawn to. Don’t get fooled into getting something trendy that does not match your style.
Nursing Cover Hack
A nursing cover works wonderfully if you can get one. However; if you are looking for something super practical that lasts through the toddler years, a swaddle blanket will do the trick.
I personally like to tie my swaddle blanket together to create a hole for my head and it is basically a nursing cover. This trick works great in place of a nursing cover or in a pinch when you forgot a nursing cover, but do have a blanket in the carseat.
The only con to using a swaddle blanket as a nursing cover is that you have to tie it. Other than that it’s a great option to provide coverage while breastfeeding.
In Conclusion
No matter what nursing cover you get for your breastfeeding journey, they all work decently well. Don’t stress too much about which piece of cloth you are going to breastfeed your baby under. You may not even use it most of the time, baby’s orders.
Do you use a nursing cover? Which cover do you prefer?
After like two kids pulling blankets off when they were nursing in public I finally discovered there were such things as actual “nursing covers” that went around your neck and at least provided some insurance that you weren’t going to be suddenly flashing a crowd! These are such great options!
haha yeah flashing while breastfeeding is no fun, but we have all been there!
Merrilee McDonald
Many good things in this post.
It reminds me of when I had my third boy in a row. I thought I needed to have my cover be a boy color until a friend told me that it is something that I am wearing so it can be any color I want it to be!
This came in handy because I had 2 more boys!
Love it, yes boys are fun, but the boy things just aren’t as cute as the ones marketed for girl babies. It’s funny because even if you have your baby in a blatantly obvious “boy” outfit you still get asked if he’s a girl by someone haha!
The full coverage are my favorite even with the cons. Also nursing in a baby carrier has been life changing! Both hands free and babies happy!
Thank you for sharing! I love the blanket hack. As a new mom I couldn’t even count how many times I tried to place a blanket over us for cover and baby would move and I would feel awkward!
Nursing is so beautiful it is so important to be know the tips and tricks so we can be confident feeding our babies and still covered!
I also love the full coverage as well especially in the early stages for establishing breastfeeding, around 6 mos when they start gettin distracted, and when they get rambunctious and start trying to do acrobatics under there.
Nursing is so beautiful, agreed.
Great points here about being discrete! I loved nursing my babies abd now buy covers for my daughter and her babies!
So sweet what a special season with grandbabies, thanks for stopping by!
Good point about using discrete colors! I feel the same way about not wanting to draw attention to myself.
especially in the beginning when you are already stress sweating about people watching you!